SMD has strong connection with the ship yard in Tongyeong, Korea.
If your good vessels need dry dock or quay & floating dock, we can fully support to secure space.
Best location & Better cost & Best service.

SQUARE MEASURE Total 1,190,083§³ (1 Yard about 198,347§³+ 2 Yard about 991,736§³)
Quay Total 7 numbers (1 Yard 2 number, 2Yard 5 number) / Total 1,930m
Dock Floating Dock 1 Device internal violence 55 M/Length 320M / 80,000TLC
Skid Total 6 numbers (1yard 2 number + 2yard 4 number)
Crane G/C5 Device (900T 2 Device, 750T 1 Device, 700T 1 Device, 450T 1 Device)
Factory pretreatment, cutting, processing, assembling, painting factory